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Har System

Over View                                                                    - Year  - Service  - Client
'Har' is an IDF chat application designed       2023    UX UI     IDF
for secure communication during
operational activity and general chatting.      Target Users

                                                                       Combatants and officers

Designing the app was challenging               Look And Feel                                  
because it had to incorporate                        The application needed to
military specific features while                       seamlessly integrate with existing
maintaining functionality, a clean design,      systems and terminologies
and a comfortable user experience.              within the IDF. The colors, the font,
                                                                      and the icons are drawn from other         
My Role                                                          systems with an emphasis on               
Our team consisted of the                             dark colors of blue. I worked on
head of the team and me.                              a new design and adjustments
My role was to create and design                  of elements for a smartphone.​
around 200 screens for demo transfer            
to development. The demos covered             The application was inspired by
many user scenarios.                                     WhatsApp as it is a very intuitive
                                                                       and easy chat application.
Scenarios                                                         Designing intuitive interfaces
1/ Attach and delete chat                                   was a critical aspect of the project. 
2/ Entity sending                                    
3/ Create a new group 

I Bought What Hurts


For my final project at HIT, I installed projected animation videos on fabrics accompanied by texts that reveal my childhood memories of pain and emotional deprivations that manifest today in emotional buying.

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